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Why Your Website Will Always Need Quality Content Over Quantity

Even experienced writers struggle with the temptation to babble when they need to hit a word count. The key is to know what is important.

We talk about some quite complex parts of online marketing in this blog, if any of it doesn't make sense why not get in touch and we'll gladly chat through it.

Website Content

The content of your website refers to the text, images and videos that you add to your website. Often content is used to just reference the text on a webpage, but traditionally speaking this should be referred to as 'copy'. 

What content should you put on your website? 

A question that has been posed since the internet started, what to put onto your website is a more complicated process than many imagine. First you have to identify your main website goal. If you want to achieve organic traffic from search engines like Google then you need to focus on aligning your content with the most current information available on what is best for your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) - and that's an entirely different topic for a different blog. To perform well for SEO it is vital that pages don't have thin content, a whole website devoted to 50 words isn't going to cut it. This is largely where the idea that the quantity of content is important came from.

If your website gets plenty of traffic from your social media accounts or you have a loyal visitor base that you don't need to expand then all those rules don't apply to you. Your content and be entirely based on what your users want. If you need visitors to take certain actions on the site in order to make your business money, then you need to be aware of CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation) and use tools and best practice know how to create a website which helps to lead the visitors along the correct journey to complete the goals that you had in mind.

Your imagery, technical elements, sitemap and design will all be important to the above. For now lets focus on website copy - which is often the only thing the marketing community mean when they say 'website content' - and assume that you need a balance of SEO, CRO and a good UX (user experience).

How To Write Quality Content

Planning website content

Are you giving the visitor what they want?

It's important for your SEO, CRO and the actual experience of your website to provide useful, informative content that is relevent to your overall website topic.

Google have continually stressed that websites should be about creating valuable content for the user. When you're writing the content for your site, it's important that you plan for real life customers and not for search engines or for your own employees who already understand the product.

The logic is simple: if the wording on your website answers a visitors query and helps them reach their goal, it's likely that they'll come back again and recommend it to others. 

That is (very roughly) how Google works,if real visitors are engaging with your website content then you should see results in search rankings. 

Who are you writing for?

We always recommend putting yourself in the shoes of the customer. If they're searching for your business or your service, what problem are they trying to solve and what problems do they face? The user is searching on Google or browsing your website to answer a question or fulfil a need. The measure of your website hinges on how well it can meet that need.

Landing Pages - The Right Content

Information and accessibility are the cornerstones of a good landing page. Even when your content is surrounded by glamorous images and flashy effects, the focal point of any webpage needs to be good quality, informative content - right at the heart of it.

We always try and help our clients to craft just the right words to solve the user's wants or needs. It's for that reason that Google use factors such as bounce rate, dwell time and how many times a user has been on your website as part of their ranking factors. 

As much as the more text you have and the better keyworded it is can Affect your SEO (search engine optimisation) and rank you higher in Google, doing these tactics simply to appease the search giants can get you in trouble.

You need to write more content and use keywords and semantically similar keywords so that the information is useful to your visitors, and the SEO benefits are a by-product of that process. 

Now What?

When you're having your website built, quality content will always beat quantity of content! So don't be tempted to babble or attempt to fill gaps with paragraph after paragraph that aren't relevant to what your customers need to know at the stage they are in. We've also written a blog on writing copy for your homepage, as that's one of the most important pages on your site. 

If you aren't sure what to write or whether what you have on your website is working for you then feel free to get in touch

Posted by Rob Fellingham on March 8th 2021

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